Does Anxiety Control Your Life?
What is Anxiety?
Certain situations might stress one person but not another. You might feel stressed in social situations or perhaps a difficult relationship causes you anxiety. Some people become anxious when faced with a significant change in their life such as ending a relationship, the loss of a loved one, moving locations, or retiring. Others feel anxious when they experience strong emotions like anger and sadness. Anxiety is the opposite of pleasure and feelings of anxiety fall on a continuum. For some anxiety is an irritant while for others anxiety is debilitating.
Anxiety as a Positive
Anxiety isn’t necessarily negative and informs us that there is something that needs our attention. In new situations such as a first date or new job it is normal to feel nervous or anxious. Manageable anxiety acts as a motivator to prepare us for a stressful situation. An example is spending more time to prep for an important presentation. Anxiety can help us be successful in reaching our goals and, hence, be adaptive. Often, anxiety passes and the tension leaves.
Anxiety as a Negative
If you experience a lot of anxiety or if you are under constant stress, it can be difficult to make sound decisions, be productive at work, or effective in your relationships. This inability to cope with life can make you feel frustrated, more anxious, and possibly unhappy. It can be difficult to know how to turn things around. Anxiety can become debilitating.
Getting at the Root Cause of Your Anxiety
If your anxiety is interfering with your life, you may have seen your Family Doctor or a Psychiatrist. Perhaps you have been diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety, or a Generalized Anxiety Disorder. You might be taking medication to help with your anxiety.
If you struggle to relax or are unable to overcome your anxiety, it can be helpful to understand the root cause. This self-reflection requires seeing your anxiety as a symptom of a deeper issue or problem. Counselling helps to identify your core beliefs which contribute to your feelings of anxiety alongside ways to create change. Research shows that therapy can help you to learn how to effectively manage anxiety and move beyond it.
Benefits of Anxiety Counseling
As a Mental Health Counselor, I counsel individuals struggling with anxiety. Making positive lasting changes can be difficult on your own and therapy can prove beneficial. We can work together to help you achieve your recovery. Do you have questions about how I work or if my approach is a fit for you?
Contact me at 253.300.2710 or by email at to book your complementary 30-minute phone consultation.
Colleen Bowersock Counseling and Psychotherapy 6817 27th St W. University Place, WA 98466 - 253.300.2710.